Rosehip Bright Mask: The Inspiration Behind the Product

When I set out last November to harvest rosehips, which are produced by the same wild rose bushes I harvest petals from in the spring to create Rose Simple Cream, I intended only to pick as many needed to produce a fresh batch of Elderberry-Rosehip Tincture. But last year, as though our high desert landscape knew that many of us would require a little extra immune-boosting support, the elderberries and rosehips were abundant. I harvested extra of both, being mindful to leave plenty for the many wildlife species that depend on them for winter foraging.

These two vitamin-packed fruits ripen at the same time—just after the first hard frost—and both provide tremendous benefits for the immune system. I love that nature provides us with just what we need, at the times we need them most. I set the extra fruits aside in my freezer after making my batch of tincture, not sure yet what they would become but inspired by the bounty and excited to let my imagination wander over the winter.

The first new product I felt called to create was the Elderberry Elixir—a hyaluronic acid serum I launched in May. This vitamin-rich, hydrating powerhouse is a reimagining of a formula I first began working on in 2015. You can read more about its creation here. Elderberry Elixir has quickly become a favorite among customers new and established alike, and a daily staple in my morning moisturizing routine. The lightweight, silky texture layers beautifully under the Balance Serum and provides that added hydration boost I’ve been longing for in this arid western climate I call home.

Now, I’m thrilled to announce that I have found a beautiful new way to incorporate the vitamin-C packed rosehip into the ANTHEA line! Meet the Rosehip Bright Mask—a gently exfoliating fruit acid peel with soothing organic aloe and an invigorating blend of mandarin, cardamom and carrot seed oils. 

Fruit acids exfoliate the skin by sloughing off dead skin cells and encouraging new cell regeneration. I paired this mild exfoliating action with rosehips because they contain a higher concentration of Vitamin C than most any other fruit. Vitamin C is tremendously beneficial for our skin—it encourages collagen production, treats hyperpigmentation and sun spots, supports new cell growth, and softens fine lines and wrinkles. It is my go-to, favorite skincare ingredient. By using rosehip pulp in a mask along with the fruit acids, your skin gets a double-action treatment—gentle exfoliation and accelerated skin cell and collagen production. Plus, the essential oil blend is carefully combined to bring fresh blood to the skin’s surface and support the exfoliating action. When used 1-2 times per week, the Rosehip Bright Mask softens, refines, and gives skin a fresh, dewy glow. 

I felt truly inspired by nature when I created this formula, and I am excited to finally share it with you! When people ask me what I mean by “botanical alchemy” this creation process is what comes to mind. It’s being inspired by nature, selecting a botanical that calls to be transformed, and creating something special from that botanical. 

From rosehip to Rosehip Bright Mask, this wonder of nature is now yours to experience in a beautiful new way. 


Anna Demetriades
Botanical Alchemist